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Title: Nokia X Full Khmer Download Link
Author: Main Channel
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Ever since Nokia decided to go all-in with Windows Phone, there has been a nagging feeling that it would have been better off using A...

Ever since Nokia decided to go all-in with Windows Phone, there has been a nagging feeling that it would have been better off using Android as its mobile operating system of choice. A feeling that has got stronger as Android devices have so rapidly taken over the lion's share smartphone sales.At Mobile Web Congress in February 2014, Nokia finally fulfilled this dream by announcing the Nokia X range comprising the Nokia X (reviewed here), a higher specified X+ and the physically larger Nokia XL. Not just one Android phone,
but a whole range. There was more than a little irony in seeing Stephen Elop, once a Microsoft stalwart and the architect of Nokia's Windows Phone strategy announcing these new devices on stage. He went to great pains to point out that the Nokia X is a phone running AOSP, the Android Open Source Project. This project underpins every Android phone in the world. As always in the Nokia story, it is not quite as simple as that. While the Nokia X runs Android, it does not run Google Android. The Nokia X software is based off of Android 4.1, a version released in July 2012. But now in here I would like to show the new version of Nokia X that run on version 4.1.2 (11.1.2) that let it see the khmer language and installed playstore. if you all need this please download from the link below. 

Download Rom here
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Please contact to Mr. Cheang Sovan for password.
Tel: 015419789/ 093354161
My wing Number: 723040
Note: I'm Note responsibility if it has any cause by flashing or your phone was broken in any cause.
