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Title: Pangu Testing iOS 8.3 Jailbreak Exploits
Author: Main Channel
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Although the public awaits a new solution to jailbreak iOS 8.3, the latest  public firmware  as of this past Wednesday’s release, we ha...

Although the public awaits a new solution to jailbreak iOS 8.3, the latest public firmware as of this past Wednesday’s release, we have a ray of sunshine in an otherwise murky and uncertain time. In spite of the fact that a new jailbreak for 8.3 and iOS 8.2 is indeed in the works by TaiG, we have absolutely no official ETA, or even a timeframe for that matter
. However, that being said, we mustn’t forget those who preceded TaiG – we have confirmation that Pangu may in fact be developing a similar iOS 8.3 jailbreak solution. Apple has undoubtedly picked up the company’s pace in mobile software development for iOS 8, succeeding the entire range of iOS 7 releases merely halfway through iOS 8’s lifecycle, and the same can also be said for jailbreak development, though not nearly as fast. In the past ~365 days, we’ve received more untethered jailbreak utilities and updates for said utilities and than for all of iOS 5, iOS 6 and iOS 7. Now, in spite of the fact that there hasn’t been a new jailbreak since iOS 8.1.3 patched TaiG’s latest public tool, we have confirmation that Pangu will begin dabbling in the creation of a brand new utility as they move past drama with former jailbreak contributor i0n1c (Stefan Esser). For more on the next iOS 8.3 and iOS 8.2 jailbreak, including Pangu’s involvement, continue reading past the break.

source[ Evasi0nJailbreak ]
Posted by: Mr. Cheang Sovan
Tel: 015419789 / 093354161
